Entries by Arnaud Delcroix

SRE, and DevOps meets ISO27001 and NIST. Can IT4IT save the day ? – 23 May @ 18:00

There are a number of forces at play in our industry that are pulling organisations in different directions and either deadlocks innovation and improvements in how we deliver digital solutions or wreak havoc with the stability and security we are also trying to establish. SRE is often implemented as DevOps for infrastructure, suddenly infrastructure configurations […]

Value Flows Where Empathy Shows 25/04 at 18:00 CET

ItSMF Belgium is please to propose Simone Jo Moore as our guest speaker for this virtual event. I had the pleasure to attend several of her events and it was always a mind-opening experience. Looking forward having that same experience with you in the virtual event. When : Thursday 25/04 at 18:00 (Virtual Doors open […]

SRVISION Conference 17 april 2024

Edit: To access the presentations of this year, use the link below. https://www.knvi.nl/bijeenkomsten/detail/559/knvi-srvision24-service-our-future/materials As every year, itSMF Belgium is pleased to announce that also this year SRVISION organizes aconference packed with workshops and presentations Unlock the door to innovation and transformation at srvision, where the future of service management unfolds. Tailored for IT managers, service […]

Management 3.0: A Practical Approach to Effective Leadership – 14/02/2024

Training proposed by our Silver sponsor CTG  Explore Management 3.0, a mindset accompanied by a dynamic toolkit of games and tools designed for actionable leadership. Break free from theoretical complexities and discover practical solutions for enhancing collaboration and productivity. With a focus on managing the system, not the people, Management 3.0 provides concrete advice for […]

Psychology of Change – 30/01 from 18:00 CET by Bert Fabry

To open the event calendar for 2024, itSMF Belgium is delighted to have attracted Bert Fabry. He will dive into the human psychology and how it can make or break changes. When : 30/01 from 18:00 – 19:00 (ish) CET              Our digital doors open from 17:55 onwards. Where : Virtual, on a device of your […]