ITIL4 – 26.11.2020 @17h30

Last year in May, where we could do what we liked and Covid19 was not even a word, the itSMF organized an event to review ITIL4 and how it positioned itself in the agile service management world. For those who joined, I said that all the information shared was based on the ITIL4 foundation input. Since then, a lot has happened. Also in the world of ITIL4. Axelos released 4 more specialist and strategist titles and 35 practice titles.

It gave the possibility to revisit the initial understanding, challenge it and extending it to the level I am at today. I also said that when time is right, I would share my insights.

So if you want that in depth review of how Axelos has reinvented ITIL and how for me, this evolution of ITIL is as disruptive as the market we are in today, mark in your agenda :  26th of November from 17:30 until 19:00

What can you expect from this indepth session on ITIL4?  We will start off with a short recap of the foundation, so even people not really familiar with the basic ins and outs can follow the session.

After that introduction, the 4 core volumes added as part of the managing professional will be reviewed and connected to the ITIL4 operating model. We will investigate how each of the volumes adds tools and guidance, allowing a service driven organisation to become the best version of itself.

Personally it has been a discovery journey which took and still takes time to grasp the potential. I hope that by the end of the session, some of the insights might be of use in your own service management evolution journey.

Eddy Peters